Note |
You need a JIRA server account to set this up |
Note |
You need to add a field of type workflowField (issue link control) to all categories which should show a list or referenced tickets. Actually ask our support to do this... You need to add a field of type workflow to all categories which should have one to one mapping between Matrix and JIRA. Actually ask our support to do this... |
You can setup the JIRA server plugin using the admin client. You will need the following information which is stored on the server
- server type: if you use "JIRA server" select it otherwise "JIRA Cloud with Medical add-on" is the correct selection.
- the url of your JIRA server instance, e.g. 'https://jira.mycompany.com',
- the rest service of your JIRA server instance, e.g. 'https://jira.mycompany.com/rest/api/2'a comma separated list of jira projects, e.g. 'PROJECT1,PROJECT2'
- a user which has access to JIRA,
- the password of the user
The client configuration is done using a can be done by an optional JSON object. Please note the text must use double quotes (") around all strings. The following parameters can be set:
- id: the JIRA project id
- key: a name for humans the project (used in the Matrix client only)
- issueTypes: an array of issue types (tasks or bugs in zoho), each of them
- id: the JIRA id of the type (e.g. BUG, TASK, EPIC, ...)
- name: a name (used in the Matrix client only)
- icon: a font awesome icon (https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ up to version 4.0)
- projectKey: the project key (see above projectsAndTypes)
- typeName: the type name (see above projectsAndTypes)
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interface ITaskConfiguration {
defaultSearches?:ITaskSearch[] // can be used to define default search expressions, (e.g. shortcuts to search task changed in last x hours, server plugin must understand these...)
one2OneMapping?:IOne2OneMapping // requires one2one capability. defines how external items are shown
// the first search in the list will be executed automatically when the dialog is opened
// in order not to run an automatic search define first element in array with name=""
allowEmptySearches?:boolean // can be set to true if plugin can handle it
searchHelp?:string // can be an url to any website to explain search options (e.g. jql https://..atlassian.. /jql)
autoSearch?:boolean // can be set to true to start default search (when opening dialog)
smartLinks?:ISmartTask[] // a set of rules to automatically show hyperlinks to items -> note these are available only in the client, in documents the same rules will not be applied!
smartUrls?:ISmartUrls[] // a set of rules to automatically detect dropped links
projectsCreate: ITaksProjects[] // there must be at least one default project in which tasks can be created
projectFilter: string[] // filter for projects of which items are displayed in workflow control, if not set all tasks are shown -> problem this also needs to be implemented in reports
useAsDescription?:ITaskTaskDescription // defines if and what to use as default description -> default is empty (an empty description box)
useEmptyTitle?:boolean // by default the title of new task is the current item title, true leaves it empty
requireCommitTicket?:boolean // set to true if saving should requires a task id (requires smartLinks to be configured)
// these can be overwritten by client settings
pluginName:string // e.g. JIRA, GitHub, ...
pluginLongName:string // e.g. JIRA Server Plugin, GitHub Plugin, ...
// these can be used to overwrite the plugins's default (if the plugins says they are possible)
hideCreateTask?:boolean // overwrites canCreate capability
hideSearchTasks?:boolean // overwrites canFind capability
//createBacklinks?:boolean // if set to false overwrites the option to canCreateBacklinks capability
handleAsLink?:boolean // should not be changed - if true links are treated like URLs
hasMeta?:boolean // should not be changed - if true external items have a descirption and a status
// server computed settings they can also be overwritten
nativeCreateUrl?:string // overwrites nativeCreateUrl
nativeCreateSearch?:string // overwrites nativeCreateSearch
type ITaskTaskDescription = "hide"|"empty"|"text"; // later we could support html editors - not now though |"html"
interface IOne2OneMapping {
// configures 1-1 mapping
projectId:string // id communicated to server to indicate in which project to create tickets
taskTypeId:string // id communicated to server to indicate what type
showId?:boolean // shows external item's id in title
interface IOne2OneMappingStatus extends ITaskRenderInfo {
externalStatusName:string // name of external status
text:string // text to show
interface ITaskRenderInfo {
text:string, // one to one mapping will show this text
color:string, // in this color
background:string, // with bg color
strikethrough?:boolean // optional strikethrough
interface ITaskSearch {
name:string // name of search to show in UI
expression:string // expression to be send to server
interface ITaksProjects {
projectId:string // id communicated to server (can be "" if there is no concept of a project in server plugin)
projectName:string // name communicated to user
taskTypes: ITaskType[] // there must be at least one default task type per project
interface ITaskType {
taskTypeId:string // id communicated to server (can be "" if there is no concept of a different task types in server plugin)
taskTypeName:string // name communicated to user
iconUrl?:string // can be an url of an icon to display
iconClass?:string // can be an class of an icon to display
interface ISmartTask {
regex:string // regex which needs to match, e.g. (github)(-)([0-9]*) would match "github-12" with three groups, "github", "-" and "12" as $0,$1 and $2
issueProjectId:string // a template which creates the project information for a matched issue (uses the same replacement as above), eg. $0 for github
issueId:string // a template which creates the issue information for a matched issue (uses the same replacement as above) e.g. $2 for 12
title:string // url template for a title (can be empty)
url?:string // url template which needs to be created for the hyperlink, e.g. "https://myissue.com/myticket/ticke-$2/details" would replace the $2 with the second group (like "12" above)
interface ISmartUrls {
regex:string // regex which needs to match, e.g. (github-)([0-9]*) would match "github-12" with two groups, "github-" and 12
issueProjectId:string // a template which creates the project information for a matched issue (uses the same replacement as above)
issueId:string // a template which creates the issue information for a matched issue (uses the same replacement as above)
title:string // url template for a title (can be empty)
priority?:number // if there are several matches the highest priority will win
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| ||||||
"projectsCreate": [
"projectId": "MATRIX",
"projectName": "MATRIX",
"taskTypes": [
{ "taskTypeId": "Bug", "taskTypeName": "Bug" },
{ "taskTypeId": "New Feature", "taskTypeName": "New Feature" }
"projectId": "MATRIX",
"projectName": "MATRIX",
"taskTypes": [
{ "taskTypeId": "Task", "taskTypeName": "Task", "iconUrl": "", "iconClass": "" }
"smartLinks": [
{ "regex": "(MATRIX)(-)([0-9]+)", "issueProjectId": "$1", "issueId": "$1$2$3", "title": "title not yet synced", "url": "https://matrixreq.atlassian.net/browse/$0" }
"smartUrls": [
{ "regex": "(MATRIX)(-)([0-9]+)", "issueProjectId": "$1", "issueId": "$0", "title": "issue", "priority": 0 }
"autoSearch": true,
"defaultSearches": [
{ "name": "last", "expression": "jql:updated<1w" }
} |