Label and Workflow Configuration
The configuration is done using a JSON object. Please note the text must use double quotes (") around all strings. The following parameters can be set:
- labels a list of labels. Each labels has the following parameters
- label: identifier of label (just characters a-z)
- categories: list of categories for which the label can be set
- editors: string[] can be set to a list of users ids, to limit who can set a label
- reportName: name to display in reports / documents.
- reportHide: if reportHide="unset" labels which are not set will not show up in reports / documents
- default (true|false|filter): set to true, if label should be set for newly created items, if set to filter it will take the value of the filter. Note: This setting is ignored for labels in 'xor', and 'review' groups: for these defaults are define for the group.
- defaultAsk: set to true if the user should be prompted in the create dialog.
- style.[filter|label].[on|off] style information for any of the 4 cases in which a label can be seen in the UI
- groups a possibility to group labels in the UI.
- selection: the selection value determines how label groups behave (for items, filters are always using the or behavior, so it is possible to select any number and combinations of labels in the filter)
- or: any number of labels can be selected
additional parameters for review groups: - xor: exactly one label can be selected (initially it can also be undefined)
- review: behaves like xor, but has some additional properties:
additional parameters depending on selection type
- or: any number of labels can be selected
- default: ['xor' and 'review'] specifies the label id to be used if an item is saved or created.
- defaultAsk: ['xor' and 'review'] set if the user should be able to change the default in the create dialog.
- reset: ['review'] if set to true, a change of the item data will reset the value (delete the label and select the default)
- noName: ['review'] is used for display if no review label has been set
- foreground,background: ['review'] are the colors for display if no review label has been set
- noIcon: ['review'] is the icon for display if no review label has been set
- askForComment: ['review'] if set to true a the user can enter a comment in a pop-up dialog. This comment is saved as change comment with the item when setting the label.
- showComments: ['review'] if set to true a list of previous label changes is shown in the review menu.
- tooltip: ['review'] the name of the tooltip for the drop down menu
- reviewers:[] ['review'] a list of possible reviewers, empty for all (from 1.11 onwards)
- labels: array of lables in that group
- filterMenu: allows grouping of filters into dropdown
- displayName: name of group to display if useFilterMenu is set to true
- off|on: menu parameters depending if at least one filter in the group is on: Note these options are used to have one menu per group
- foreground: color
- background": color
- icon: (optional)
- displayName: name of menu button
- tooltip: in this status
- selection: the selection value determines how label groups behave (for items, filters are always using the or behavior, so it is possible to select any number and combinations of labels in the filter)
- filterBackgroundColor: background color for top toolbar if a project filter is selected
- useFilterMenu: if set to true the filters are accessible through one menu (Note: for that they need to be member of a group and each group must have filterMenu with a displayName specified)
- design_reviews:[] a group of design review dialog definitions. Design review dialogs are bound to a label, a positive review set's the label.
- reviewers:[] a list of possible reviewers, empty for all
- label:string name of label to show in toolbar (label must be define in label section)
- reset:true|false a label whether to reset the review labels if item is modified, default true
- reviewName:string name of the review (shown in dialog)
- reviewHelp:string explanation of review (shown in dialog)
- reviewDetails:[] a list review actions for the review rendered as checkbox (all must be checked for a positive review)
- name:string review which needs to be done
- help:string explaining details on what to do review
Example FDA/CE and Regression Filter
Setup for Simple Review Workflow v1.7
Setup for Comment Workflow v1.7
Colors and Icons from (1.7.*)
This can be overwritten, e.g. by ""
Default: color is specified by foreground and background
icon if an icon is specified: the icon is used....,icons are font awesome 4.4 definitions like "commenting"
displayName: can be set per label. If this value is set, the label is shown in documents. The value can be overwritten per status for the ui (e.g. style.filter.on ).
altName: can be used to show an alternative name in reports (e.g. if a filter should not be in documents but in reports). If no altName is set the displayName of the label is used in reports.
Review Label Example