Global Server Settings

Global Server Settings

Require signature password to be different to login password

If checked, you will need to specify to passwords per user. One to login and another one to sign documents.

If not checked, the login password can be used to sign documents (this is the default)

Require to enter user id when signing documentsTick if the user should not only supply a password but also his user ID to sign documents.
Password expirationCan be set to enforce new passwords after a given number of days
Minimum password strengthCan be set to require safer passwords
Disable user accessIf the user access should be disabled after a certain number of failed login attempts you can set it up in this field.
Date and Time Formatting

How dates/time are formatted by default. This formatting is used in reports and the UI and can be overwritten per user for the user interface.

It is a good practice to use a formatting which can be understood in world wide (e.g. 07/05/12 could be 7th May 2012, 5th July 2012, 5th December 2007, so better would be 2012/05/07)

Date Only FormattingHow dates are formatted by default. This formatting is used in reports and the UI and can be overwritten per user for the user interface.
Server Time ZoneThe time zone of the server (main project location). Dates and times in documents will be according to that time zone.