There are several options on how items are rendered:
Option (defaults in bold) | Explanation |
Add page break after this section | If checked a page break will be added in word and pdf documents. |
Include parent folders for each item (breadcrumb) | Shows a line with the parent folders of an item |
Include up and downlinks for each item | Includes up and downlinks of items. If there are links missing according to the traceability setup an error message is displayed. |
Show items with version info | Shows meta info of each item: Author, Date and Revision of the item |
Show items without version info | Prints just the item id’s and name |
Show items with minimal markup | Prints the item without any field names or other meta info |
Show items with design review fields | Add fields to do design reviews on paper |
Show items with additional pass/fail fields | This option renders test forms with additional columns to enter pass fail information manually. |
Show items with test results | This option is only useful for test results (XTCs). It will render the items with entered test results. |
Do not include folders | Does not render folders only items within |
Show folder titles as headings | Shows folder titles |
Shows folder titles as headings with details without markup | Shows folder titles and fields (like description), but no meta info like version, author etc. |
Show folder with version info | Shows folders with all information |
Ignore dates | Does care about outdated traces |
Indicate outdated traces | Indicates outdated traces as warning |
Treat outdated traces as traceability errors | Indicates outdated traces as errors |