List of items

List of items

Choosing the content

The list of items renders design input or output in with more or less details. The items to be included can be chosen by clicking on the Select Items button. For example

will render all risks with all their input fields and some meta data, for example a risk will look like this:


There are several options on how items are rendered:

Option (defaults in bold)


Add a reference of included items to table of content

If a table of content section is in the document it will list the included items.

Include parent folders for each item (breadcrumb)

Shows a line with the parent folders of an item 

Include up and downlinks for each item

Includes up and downlinks of items. If there are links missing according to the traceability setup an error message is displayed.

Show traceability errorsIf checked traceability errors are shown in red
Show labelsIf checked labels are shown

Show items with version info

Shows meta info of each item: Author, Date and Revision of the item

→ Show items without version info

Prints just the item id’s and name

Show items with minimal markup

Prints the item without any field names or other meta info

Show items with design review fields

Add fields to do design reviews on paper

Show items with additional pass/fail fields

This option renders test forms with additional columns to enter pass fail information manually.

Show items with test results

This option is only useful for test results (XTCs). It will render the items with entered test results.

Do not include folders

Does not render folders only items within

→ Do not include folders and sort numericallyDoes not render folders, only items sorted by their id

→ Show folder titles as headings

Shows folder titles

→ Shows folder titles as headings with details without markup as table

Shows folder titles and fields (like description), but no meta info like version, author etc.

→ Shows folder titles as headings with details without markup as textSame as above with a more simplistic rendering

→ Show folder with version info

Shows folders with all information

Ignore dates

Does care about outdated traces

→ Indicate outdated traces

Indicates outdated traces as warning 

→ Treat outdated traces as traceability errors

Indicates outdated traces as errors 

Ignore external linksExternal links attached to the item such as JIRA tickets are not shown
→ Show external linksAll external links of the item are shown
→ Show only done external linksShows done external links
→ Show only external links which need to be doneShow not done external links

See also Common Document Section Options.