PivotalTracker import

PivotalTracker import

We created for an importer for the Pivotal Tracker cloud application.

The tool runs under Java, so you must have Java 7 or higher installed.


Create a folder with the content of the attached zip file

Inside that folder run the command (in Linux)

java -cp "lib/*:PivotalTrackerImporter.jar" com.matrixreq.pivotaltracker.PivotalTrackerImporter pivotalUsername pivotalPassword pivotalProject matrixInstance matrixUsername matrixPassword matrixProject matrixCategory

the format is slightly different in Windows: 

java -cp "lib/*;PivotalTrackerImporter.jar" com.matrixreq.pivotaltracker.PivotalTrackerImporter pivotalUsername pivotalPassword pivotalProject matrixInstance matrixUsername matrixPassword matrixProject matrixCategory

(one is with a comma in the cp, the other one with a semicolon)



  • pivotalUsername : your username within Pivotal
  • pivotalPassword : your password for the above account
  • pivotalProject : the name of your project in Pivotal 
  • matrixInstance : the Matrix Requirements instance you are using (like express2.matrixreq.com)
  • matrixUsername : your username in Matrix Requirements
  • matrixPassword : your password for the above account
  • matrixProject : the Matrix Requirements project (like SIMPLE)
  • matrixCategory : the category in which you want to include the conversion (like REQ)


java -cp "lib/*:PivotalTrackerImporter.jar" com.matrixreq.pivotaltracker.PivotalTrackerImporter user@example.com iixxkdf33cL test1 pivotal.matrixreq.com  demo demo SIMPLE REQ