Executing Tests

Usually tests are done in several test cycles or test runs. Each run might have a subset or all tests included. 

Each executed test has a number of default fields to enter:

  • Version: the version or identifier of the device to be tested
  • Tester: the name of the person performing the test
  • Test Date: the (planned or actual) date of the test
  • The Run Result: the overall test result of a test case, this can be either computed from the individual test steps or set manually.

The default rules are as follows: the overall result is

  • "passed" if all test steps passed
  • "failed" if one test step failed
  • "in progress" or "not started" otherwise

However it can also be set to

  • "passed with deviation", e.g. if there is a failure but it was actually the test which was wrong, or it can be mitigated differently.
  • "documentation", "to be decided", "passed", "failed" etc.

There are many reports to plan or execute the test as well as to analyze and summarize the test results.