JIRA Legacy Configuration

This is only for projects created before 1.8, if they have not been updated to use the new JIRA plugin

In order to connect to JIRA need your own JIRA Cloud access. It needs to be connected to Matrix Requirements Medical through the Matrix Requirements Medical Connector add-on.

The configuration is done using a JSON object. Please note the text must use double quotes (") around all strings. The following parameters can be set:

  • filterCreate: can be used to allow creating tickets only in some JIRA project, e.g. {"MATRIX": []} will allow creating tickets only in the JIRA project MATRIX. Leave empty to allow creating tickets in all projects.
  • striking through / hiding tickets
    • filterStrikeThroughDefault: is an array with default STRIKE THROUGH HINTS for all projects.    
    • filterShow: can be used to hide or strike through some JIRA tickets, e.g. {"MATRIX": ["closed.png"]} will show items in the JIRA project MATRIX as strikethrough if JIRA used the closed icon for them. It is an array of {"JIRA_PROJECT": [STRIKE TRHOUGH HINTS]} pairs.
    • STRIKE THROUGH HINTS are given as array of 
      • JIRA ticket status idse.g. "3" or "4"
      • icon names: the name of the icon jira uses to indicate a ticket as closed
  • hideCreateQuickIssue: If set to true the basic create issue ('Jira - Create Quick Issue' ) menu entry is hidden 
  • hideCreateJiraIssue:  If set to true the original hira ticket creation is menu entry ('Jira - Create Using JIRA Wizard' ) is hidden 
  • customMenu: an array JIRA configurations per item type.
    • type: the category / item type of the matrix requirements items for which the tool menu should be configured
    • tickets:
      • menu: what to show in the tool menu of the item
      • title: the default title of the ticket to be created
      • description: the default description of the ticket
      • project: the default JIRA project of the ticket
      • type: the default JIRA type of the ticket
    • placeholder: the following place holder exist
      • {0}: the item id
      • {1}: the item url
      • {2}: the item title
      • {3}: text from first field
      • {4}: text from second field
      • {5}: ...


Default configuration
  "enabled": "true",
  "defaultMenuEnabled": "true",
  "customMenu": [
      "type": "REQ",
      "tickets": [
          "menu": "Create Specs",
          "title": "Create specs for '{0}'",
          "description": "created by Matrix Requirements",
          "type": "Task",
          "verb": "task for"                 
          "menu": "Update Specs",
          "title": "Update specs for '{0}'",
          "description": "created by Matrix Requirements",
          "type": "Task",
          "verb": "task for"
      "type": "SPEC",
      "tickets": [
          "menu": "Develop Tests",
          "title": "Develop tests for '{0}'",
          "description": "created by Matrix Requirements",
          "type": "Task",
          "verb": "task for"
      "type": "Risk",
      "tickets": [
          "menu": "Find Mitigation",
          "title": "Find mitigation for '{0}'",
          "description": "created by Matrix Requirements",
          "type": "Task",
          "verb": "task for"
    }     ]

Advanced Configuraiton
    "enabled": 'true',
    "workflow": {
        "project": "MATRIX",
        "configuration": [{
                "type": "ECO",
                "jiraType": "Task",
                "states": [
                    {"key": "open", "color": "white", "background": "red", "done": "false"},
                    {"key": "in progress", "color": "black", "background": "yellow", "done": "false"},
                    {"key": "done", "color": "white", "background": "green", "done": "true"}]
            }, {
                "type": "",
                "jiraType": "OTHER",
                "states": [
                    {"key": "open", "color": "white", "background": "red", "done": "false"},
                    {"key": "in progress", "color": "black", "background": "yellow", "done": "false"},
                    {"key": "done", "color": "white", "background": "green", "done": "true"}]}
    "filterCreate": {"MATRIX": []},
    "filterShow": {"MATRIX": ["closed.png"]},
    "defaultMenuEnabled": 'true',
    "customMenu": [{
            "type": "REQ",
            "tickets": [{
                    "menu": "Create Specs",
                    "title": "Create specs for '{0}' - {2}",
                    "description": "{3}",
                    "project": "MATRIX",
                    "type": "Task"
                }, {
                    "menu": "Update Specs",
                    "title": "Update specs for '{0}' - {2}",
                    "description": "{3}",
                    "project": "MATRIX",
                    "type": "Task"
        }, {
            "type": "TRUN",
            "tickets": [{
                    "menu": "Execute",
                    "title": "Execute '{0}' - {2}",
                    "description": "{3}",
                    "project": "MATRIX",
                    "type": "Task"
                }, {
                    "menu": "Test Failed",
                    "title": "Test '{0}' failed - {2}",
                    "description": "{3}",
                    "project": "MATRIX",
                    "type": "Bug"}]
        }, {
            "type": "SPEC",
            "tickets": [{
                    "menu": "Implement",
                    "title": "Implement '{0}' - {2}",
                    "description": "{3}",
                    "project": "MATRIX",
                    "type": "Task"
                }, {
                    "menu": "Develop Tests",
                    "title": "Develop tests for '{0}' - {2}",
                    "description": "{3}",
                    "project": "MATRIX",
                    "type": "Task"}]